
Courtney Love Wants to Poke Keith Richards’ Liver

Courtney Love thinks that despite their excessive partying, her and Keith Richards’ livers are holding up marvellously.

Courtney Love and Keith Richards, two big names in the world of rock, are not exactly the poster children for sobriety and self-restraint. Love, one of the most controversial figures in the industry, wants to prove to everyone that despite her partying tendencies, her liver is in top shape.

Love also bets that the same goes for Keith Richards, who, despite nearing 50 years as a Rolling Stones member and living a rock and roll lifestyle, has a perfectly healthy liver.

Kurt Cobain’s widow, who just lost parental custody of her daughter, Frances Bean, said, "I wanna meet Keith Richards, I’ve never met him. I don’t know what I’m gonna say to him, but I’m gonna touch his liver and I’m gonna let him touch my liver and it’ll be awesome."

Love added, "I’m gonna make him lift up his shirt and I’m gonna say, ’Can I touch your liver?’ And I’m gonna touch where his liver is and see if it’s putrefied or something. I think we both must have incredibly healthy livers. We must!"