
Courtney Love wants to see her baby

The singer misses her daughter a lot and wants to reconcile.

Singer Courtney Love sent a public plea to her estranged daughter, Frances Bean Cobain. Orange News reports it has been nearly six months since Love lost legal custody of her daughter.
Love’s only child with deceased husband Kurt Cobain is now 17 years old. She was placed in the temporary custody of her paternal grandmother and aunt last December, at her own request.
Courtney Love then received a restraining order requiring her to stay away from her daughter.
Love has now written a message to her daughter that she wants to get back in touch.
She wrote on her Twitter page: "Bean, I saw you at Coachella in a pic… I love you, sorry to take to the world wide Ethernet but I love you and I don’t know how to tell you without telling one of the pack, madly. I know you don’t want me to not succeed and I know you’re wiser than anyone I know, but I know you need me and I need you. I miss you Bean."
The Hole singer surprised fans recently when she talked about suicidal thoughts during a concert. It has been 16 years since her husband took his own life.
Love revealed she has been really depressed for weeks now and has considered ending it. She added that she is disgusted with herself and thinks she is a danger to her own health.