
Courtney Love wrote Kurt Cobain ‘bitch’ note?

Courtney Love has claimed she is the author of a note found in Kurt Cobain’s wallet at the time of his death, which refers to her as a ”bitch with zits”.

Courtney Love has claimed she wrote a note found in Kurt Cobain’s wallet calling her a ”bitch with zits”.

The Hole singer, who was married to the Nirvana star until his suicide in 1994, says she wrote the bizarre message mocking their marriage vows, which was found on his person by police.

In an interview with The Guardian newspaper, she said: ”Obviously I wrote it – don’t you guys understand sarcasm?”

The note, which was released by the Seattle Police Department 20 years after Kurt’s death last month, reads: ”Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife. Even when she’s a bitch with zits and siphoning all yr money for doping and whoring. (sic)”

Courtney, 49, who has 21-year-old daughter Frances with Kurt, also believes the media is involved in a witch-hunt to pin the late rocker’s death on her.

She said: ”It endangers me, and it endangers Frances.”

Courtney’s estranged father Hank Harrison is among those who claims she is responsible for Kurt’s suicide and has written a new book about the subject.

The star added: ”I try to avoid [Harrison] at all costs, but I saw his comments. He said, ‘She’s a sociopath, like me.’ So you’re admitting to the media that you’re a sociopath? If I was his PR guy I’d be like, ‘Shut the f**k up already.’ ”