
Cycling in heavy traffic may increase risk of heart attack

Pollution and stress harmful to heart.

If you ride your bicycle to work in heavy traffic, you may get your adrenalin pumping in more ways than one, reports the Daily Mail.

A study published in The Lancet says that spending time in traffic, whether you’re a driver, cyclist, or commuter, tops the list of everyday risks that could bring on a heart attack.

In terms of exposure to heavy traffic, cyclists are the most vulnerable to pollution, along with stress and exercise – each overlapping contributors to heart attacks.

The study analyzed 36 pieces of research, for the first time looking at “the last straw” risk factors that triggered a heart attack – rather than underlying causes of heart disease.

Researchers found traffic exposure caused 7.4 percent of heart attacks, while physical exertion was responsible for 6.2 percent of cases. Air pollution causes 5 to 7 percent of heart attacks, and drinking coffee or alcohol represents 5 percent.

The benefits of exercising outdoors outweighed the risks from air pollution for most individuals, said a senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation. She urged people not to be put off running, walking or cycling in towns and cities.

“If someone wants to avoid a heart attack they should focus on not smoking, exercising, eating a healthy diet and maintaining their ideal weight,” said cardiologist Dr Tim Chico.