
Cynthia Nixon Talks About Lesbianism

Actress Cynthia Nixon is talking for the first time about her reasons for leaving the father of her children for a woman.

The former star of Sex and the City discussed her private life recently with New York magazine.  In 2003, Nixon left the father of her two children, Danny Mozes, for Christine Marinoni.

Nixon, 40, says that she never felt that she was hiding her sexuality, but that she simply fell in love with someone.  She told New York magazine: "I never felt like there was an unconscious part of me that woke up or that came out of the closet.  There wasn’t a struggle, there wasn’t an attempt to suppress. I met this woman, I fell in love with her, and I’m a public figure."

Nixon also added that she was shocked at the media attention that surrounded her private life.  "They almost put me on the cover of People magazine. And then it died. Because there wasn’t really anything to say."