
Daniel Radcliffe Enjoys His Celebrity Status

The star of the Harry Potter film series, Daniel Radcliffe, says that he doesn’t mind that some girls want to date him only because he’s a star.

The 17 year-old actor feels that he’s too young to have a serious relationship, so he takes advantage of the fact that many girls are taken by his celebrity status.

Radcliffe said, "Girls who want to go out with me just because I’m famous has never been a problem. I’m 17. I don’t care. Obviously, if I wanted a deep and meaningful relationship then I wouldn’t want to be going out with somebody who is only with me because I’m an actor, but if you don’t a relationship like that then it’s fine."

Radcliffe also talked about the fact that several people have a hard time separating him from the character he plays.  He added, "People do call me Harry. I once had a friend call me it by accident. But no one has ever said it in the throws of passion. That would be the end of that session. Go now!"