
Daniel Radcliffe learns Irish accent for new play

Daniel Radcliffe is "pleased with" the Irish accent he has learnt for his forthcoming play ‘The Cripple of Inishmaan’ where he plays a disabled Irish boy called Billy.

Daniel Radcliffe is "pleased with" the Irish accent he has learnt for his forthcoming play.

The 23-year-old actor has been learning to talk in the distinctive way for his role in ‘The Cripple of Inishmaan’ in which he plays 17-year-old Billy – a disabled Irish boy – who is eager to escape the Aran Islands when he hears about a new film being produced on the neighbouring island of Inishmore.

In an interview with the BBC, Radcliffe said: "Learning the accent was, is, an ongoing thing. I’m pleased with it to be honest and I think it’s in a really good place. The rest of the cast most of whom are Irish seem pretty happy with it. So I am pleased with it.

"It’s definitely going to be something that gets better and better and better the more I do it.

"It’s been fun and it’s a fun accent to talk in – the stuff that wouldn’t necessarily be funny in an English accent is for some reason just funnier in an Irish accent."

Daniel’s father, Alan Radcliffe, is from Northern Ireland, but the former ‘Harry Potter’ star insists his family heritage has not helped him with the role.

He added: "My dad is from an area of Ireland that it would have been unhelpful had I been doing the accent – my dad’s from Northern Ireland, so it’s a very different thing."

Daniel hopes he is not be the main attraction for people coming to see the play and hopes the story will be what gets talked about.

He said: "I know my face is on the poster, but ultimately people should come to see a great play. I think Billy is the character through whom the audience gets the story- it’s very much an ensemble piece about the island and everyone who lives on it."

The revival of Martin McDonagh’s 1996 play opened to previews this week and will run at the Noel Coward Theatre in London’s West End until August 31.