
Dating George Clooney Is Stressful

George Clooney’s ex-girlfriend, Sarah Larson, says that dating the star was not all she thought it would be.

Although Larson has only good things to say about her former boyfriend, it seems that the media frenzy that surrounds Clooney was tough for the young woman.

During an interview with Access Hollywood, Larson admitted that the media stress took away from the romance.  She explained, "It was a little nerve-wracking because everybody loves George, and so, to be in the public eye like that, it was a little bit stressful. It’s a lot to take in. I think I just went like a deer in the headlights. At times, I (didn’t) know what to do."

However, Larson didn’t share much about the star.  She added, "Out of respect for George, I know how personal he is and so I really do try to avoid as much of that as possible, because I know that he’s a very personal guy and I would never wanna do anything to make (him) uncomfortable."