
Dealing with the pregnant blues

One woman in four is affected by the blues while pregnant.

Depressed during your pregnancy? It is not unusual as one in four women are affected by this problem. Several symptoms may occur: disturbed sleep makes you tired and irritable, appetite disorders which make you gain too much or not enough weight, anxiety, lack of motivation, confidence and even a sense of guilt.

There are several explanations for this condition arising in pregnant women. Being pregnant disrupts your regular balance; you suddenly have a lot of concerns, fears, questions, plus many hormonal changes.

You should not worry too much and simply try to get out of the house. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take antidepressants but some alternative therapies might help you like yoga, homeopathy, acupuncture or a magnesium treatment prescribed by your doctor.

The best thing to do is to talk about your condition with your doctor. Maybe a psychologist can give you some guidance or a childbirth organization in your area can provide some support. Just remember you are not alone – everyone gets the blues sometimes. You are about to welcome the most precious addition to your life and those hormonal imbalances will subside.