
Dealing with the problem of math anxiety

Parents influence child’s attitude towards math.

As children of all ages head back to school, many are burdened with the added challenge of math anxiety, according to Agnes Rash, Ph.D., U.S. math professor at Saint Joseph’s University.

“It’s a problem that usually starts at an early age, and if it isn’t addressed in grade school, math anxiety can hinder students throughout their education and beyond,” Rash said.

Difficulty with math often starts because an individual student has missed a concept in class, and not because there is any underlying learning deficiency.

“There is a misconception that some people don’t have the ‘brains’ to do math,” she said. “Most people in the general population have everything they need to be proficient in math, and this includes doing algebra and geometry. What they might lack is the desire to learn the basics, which requires them to practice and drill, just like any other discipline.”

She suggested that parents need to be aware of how their own behavior strongly influences how their child navigates math class.

“If a parent also has math anxiety, they should be careful of making statements that can be perceived as condoning failure…such as ‘I was never any good at math, either,’ or ‘I can’t help you with your homework; I don’t understand math,’ can give the child the message that it’s ok to give up.”

Similarly, teachers need to be mindful of how they present mathematic concepts in class. “Making statements like ‘This is going to be hard; pay attention,’ can create an atmosphere of anxiety and fear,” she noted.

Rash, an expert in math pedagogy, is currently developing Sudoku puzzles and other games that teachers can use as interventions for math anxiety.


Photo credit: Arvind Balaraman/