
Delay cutting the umbilical cord

Not cutting the umbilical cord immediately allows valuable stem cells to be transferred.

The Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine reports on a study from the University of South Florida which recommends that doctors postpone clamping the umbilical cord of newborns for a few more minutes.


According to their observations, the cord is usually cut between 30 seconds and one minute after birth. Delaying this action by a few minutes  would allow the transfer of stem cells from mother to child. These cells are extremely valuable for the baby’s health.


At birth, the placenta and umbilical cord begin pumping a transfer of cord blood that contains stem cells, which have regenerative properties and can grow into different types of cells. However, according to researchers, cutting the cord too quickly interferes with this transfer.


By delaying the clamping of the umbilical cord for a few minutes, babies are given a transfusion of valuable stem cells that are beneficial to their health.