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Denis Villeneuve: ‘Dune 3’ confirmed, ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’ a possibility

Denis Villeneuve is said to be on the verge of another major project, as he is in pole position to adapt the book Nuclear War: A Scenario.

This decision, which reflects the resounding success of his directing career to date, comes as Legendary Entertainment announces confirmation of Dune 3.

Legendary has also secured the rights to adapt Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario, and Denis Villeneuve is reportedly considering tackling this new project once he has completed the third installment of the Dune series. This best-seller explores the theme of a global nuclear war, as you may have guessed.

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The director will be very busy over the next few years with Rendezvous with Rama, Cleopatra, Dune 3 and Nuclear War A Scenario!