
Denise Richards Takes Responsibility

Actress Denise Richards has publicly apologized for her behaviour.

According to Access Hollywood, Richards admits that throwing a laptop computer from her hotel’s balcony was a big mistake.  The incident took place in Vanvouver, Canada, when Richards was trying to film a movie.  Members of the paparazzi were harassing the star, although no charges have been filed from either side.

The beautiful brunette explained, "I am not justifying my behavior. I saw one of the photographers, went up to him and asked him to please leave so we can focus on our scene. He wouldn’t and he was saying vulgar, nasty things."

The computer fell to the hotel lobby, landing on an 80 year-old woman, who was not seriously injured.

Richards, 35, added, "It was a big mistake on my part. I’m not volatile at all. I’ve never been with the paparazzi. I feel bad that I ended up doing that."