
Depeche Mode music takes centre stage

A controversial Maltese theatre company will feature the band’s music.

The Malta-based Unifaun theatrical production company is renowned for presenting controversial performances that push the boundaries. It will present Playing The Angel next year, a show inspired by the world of Depeche Mode. This group addressed subjects that helped youth in the 80s develop their own ideas.

The project is the brainchild of screenwriter Adrian Buckle, himself a Depeche Mode fan and also the company’s artistic director. He will use Depeche Mode songs from their most popular years to write a screenplay about a coming of age story of two young boys who discover love or lack thereof.

 The screenwriter explains: It is a story of two boys growing up, coming of age and discovering love. They are abused, used, taken advantage of… It’s their sad way of discovering life. Depeche Mode are not Abba or Queen. The story can’t be a happy one."

Commenting on the controversial reputation of plays put on by his theatre company, Buckle added, "Well, I’m not going to invite my grandmother to this musical… and, yes, it will push boundaries."

The play will be staged next year. Producers are holding auditions starting on June 27 to find the right talent for this project.