
Deputy Mayoress of Hartlepool misses Princess Anne meeting

The Deputy Mayoress of Hartlepool missed her meeting with Britain’s Princess Anne on Tuesday at the Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club after she got stuck in a lift.

The Deputy Mayoress of Hartlepool missed her meeting with Britain’s Princess Anne on Tuesday (09.23.14) after she got stuck in a lift.

Mary Fleet was on her way to meet the 64-year-old royal at the Tees and Hartlepool Yacht Club when the lift she was travelling in got wedge in between floors.

Five people trapped in the lift managed to climb out and jump down to the floor below, but the Deputy Mayoress decided to stay put and wait for help.

Speaking to the Daily Express newspaper, she said: ”It was just my luck, the luck of the Fleets, to miss her.

”Of course Princess Anne won’t even have known I was there and I think everything else went according to plan. I didn’t dare try to get out [of the lift] but there was a very nice young girl who managed to get chair in so I could sit down and I had my mayoral consort and friend, Councilor Sheila Griffin, with me.

”Everyone was really nice – but Geoff – our official driver was a bit annoyed on my behalf. I was a bit embarrassed – there will be more jokes flying around than enough and everyone was talking about it.”

The princess – the daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip – was visiting the area to officially launch the Sailability Pontoon, which is a facility designed to help disabled members enjoy the sea.