
Determine the chances of a successful in vitro fertilization

There is a new way to predict whether IVF will succeed

So far, only the mother’s age could help determine if in vitro fertilization (IVF) was likely to succeed, but researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, Stanford, California, have developed a new method to assess the chances of success.


According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, this new method is based on data collected during an IVF cycle that did not work. The researchers analyzed the number of ova and oocytes present during this cycle. It was discovered that the more they have, the greater the chance of a successful IVF procedure.


The researchers say that they have shown “that data from a previous cycle can be effectively used to provide probabilities of live birth during a subsequent cycle.”


Further studies will be conducted. If results are confirmed, it will even be possible to predict the likelihood of success on the first try of IVF. Specialists will be able to help couples continue their process or recommend alternatives such as the donation of eggs and embryos.