
Diane Kruger not ‘blessed with great skin’

Diane Kruger admits she wasn’t ”blessed with great skin” and has to take extra care to make sure her skin looks glowing by abstaining from alcohol.

Diane Kruger wasn’t ”blessed with great skin”.

The stunning model-and-actress reveals that she used to suffer from rosacea – a skin condition which causes red splotching on the face and spots – and now takes even greater care to maintain her glowing skin, such as abstaining from alcohol.

She explained: ”I wasn’t blessed with great skin. I used to have rosacea and had to quit smoking to get rid of it. I still struggle with under-eye circles. It’s all about discipline and finding products that are right for you.

”I’ve noticed my skin looks better when I don’t drink, so I stopped for six weeks before the Cannes Film Festival. It did me wonders. I slept better than ever. It kind of sucked, though, because I enjoy a glass of wine.”

The 37-year-old beauty was recently named the face of Chanel’s skincare beauty product line, however, she admits she still isn’t fully confident about her appearance.

She added to the new issue of US InStyle magazine: ”You can be the most beautiful woman in the world and still find something that bugs you. I’ve learned how to highlight the things I like and minimise or hide the things I don’t.”