
Did Pete Doherty Cheat on Kate Moss?

According to rumours, Pete Doherty has already cheated on his fiancee, Kate Moss.

Doherty reportedly spent Thursday night with a South African woman named Lindy.

The rocker met Lindy at the London club Crystal, where the two were spotted hugging and sharing champagne, before leaving together at 2 AM.

A source told Britain’s Sunday Mirror, "When he first arrived Pete was showing off, standing on his chair and dancing like a loon. Then he started talking to a girl in a revealing white dress. She had the same pointy features as Kate. There was lots of flirting and laughing. Then we saw four of them get into a cab and head off."

The two then spent the night together at the home of one of Doherty’s friends.  The source added, "Pete and Kate had a serious argument during the week and he decided to go out. Kate was calling around to see if anyone knew where he was. Hearing about him spending the night with another girl will eat her up."