
Diet is key to losing weight

Dieting and not exercise is the key to successful weight loss.

The growing problem of obesity is not due to a sedentary lifestyle but rather the fact that people eat more than before. It is therefore a question of diet, say researchers in the International Journal of Obesity.

Contrary to popular belief, exercise is not the best way to shed a few pounds. The experts add that their research shows that we are not less active than twenty years ago.

Professor John Speakman of Aberdeen University and a Dutch colleague analyzed two decades of studies on energy expenditure. The duo found we are not less active, but we do eat more.

Children who walk less to get to school and increasing an number of television shows are not necessarily gaining more weight.

For example, a child who is driven to school has more time to run in the schoolyard. As for television, it has only replaced other sedentary activities like reading and listening to the radio. In the 50s, nobody was cycling in the middle of their living room and, now, people will climb aboard their stationary bike.

Although this is not the best way to lose weight, physical activity is essential in a healthy lifestyle and should be used regularly to maintain overall good health.