
Diets increase the risk of osteoporosis

Popular diets increase the risk of health problems.

There are many popular diets out there and millions of women follow them. Experts, however, are raising a red flag because these diets can cause health problems like osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones and puts people at a higher risk of fractures.

According to the Daily Mail, a study reveals that three in ten women are so desperate to lose weight that they cut out certain food groups from their diet that are essential to maintaining good health.

A prime example is 37-year old actress Gwyneth Paltrow. She has vocally adhered to a very strict diet that is low in dairy products. Dairy is an excellent source of calcium, a mineral that is essential to maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium helps the heart stay healthy and lowers blood pressure, not to mention the risk of breast and colon cancer.

The actress recently confessed that she has osteopenia, a bone-thinning condition that is a precursor to osteoporosis. 

Experts state that although obesity is now a problem, it should be addressed in a healthy way. They recommend overweight people lose weight by not cutting out complete food groups. They also stress the need for an overall healthy diet and regular exercise.