
Dolly Parton Glastonbury dog reunited with owner

A dog which Dolly Parton offered to adopt after it was found at the Glastonbury festival site has been reunited with its owners.

Dolly Parton is disappointed she won’t get to adopt a dog found at Glastonbury.

The ‘9 to 5’ hitmaker had offered to care for a pooch found at the festival site – where she performed to a crowd of 150,000 last month – and while she is pleased the canine, which workers named after her, has been reunited with its original owners by the Happy Landings Animal Shelter, she admits she had been ”looking forward” to having a new pet.

She said: ”We got a call from the main people with the government and they told us that the true owners did come forward.

”There was a language barrier; I think they were from another country. They got the dog back so I don’t get to take her home. I was looking forward to it.”

The dog was found two days after the festival ended by workers cleaning up the site at Worthy Farm, Somerset, England, and when Dolly, 68, heard of its plight, she instantly offered to take her back to the US if her owner wasn’t found.

She said: ”I had my manager Danny Nozell call the Happy Landings Animal Shelter to make sure the dog is being treated and cared for properly.

”At this time, nobody has claimed the dog and the dog is in great hands at the shelter. I will take the dog home to America if nobody claims her within a reasonable amount of time.”

And the ‘Blue Smoke’ singer admitted she was delighted workers had named the lurcher after her.

She added: ”I was sad that someone left the little dog behind. How could that be? In them meantime everybody is on top of it and have promised they’ll take care of that little dog. I feel honored and flattered that they have called her Dolly.”