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Donatella Versace feel ‘strong emotion’ for Versus

Donatella Versace feels "strong emotion" towards her label Versus and has opened up about the digital future of the little sister of Versace.

Donatella Versace feels "strong emotion" towards Versus.

The chief-designer has strong ties with the label – which is adopting a new strategy after it was announced last November Christopher Kane would no longer be creating their pieces – and has opened up about the future of the little sister of Versace, which will no longer consist of catwalk productions.

She told "For me, Versus is a strong, strong emotion. It’s the first collection my brother Gianni gave to me in complete freedom to do. I thought it was getting really old to go to a fashion show, to sit down, and then to go on the Internet and see, ‘What did he do?’

"So that’s why I’ll never have a fashion show again for Versus. Versus will be shown through events all over the world."

The new collection will be given to people to wear and judge, which they will then report back on via online discussions, and although Donatella is "scared" at taking Versus into the digital realm, she knows it will benefit the brand and keep it up to date.

She said: "It is scary to go out there in the digital world, it’s easy to be in your studio protected by your designers … But I love the digital world, it mixes everyone together and it gives me a lot of inspiration.

"I’m very excited for the new Versus digital. Always contemporary, and something that is living and what the kids want right now. This is the most important and attractive thing in my mind."

Versus recently announced they are planning a collaborative capsule collection with sportswear brand K-Way, contributing to the label’s new look and direction.