
Don’t drink for 3 days of the week

Daily consumption of alcohol linked to liver disease.

People should avoid drinking alcohol for at least three days a week if they want to lower their risk of liver disease, reports U.K.’s Daily Mail.

The official current guidelines on health drinking limits is misleading and dangerous according to the Royal College of Physicians because it implies that drinking every day is fine and normal.

British doctors also noted an increased risk for alcoholism and serious illness when people drank daily, without giving their system a break.

The College also mentioned that seniors should have their own special guidelines as older people’s bodies are more affected by alcohol, with increased risk to dementia, depression, and falls.

‘We recommend a safe limit of 0-21 units a week for men and 0-14 units a week for women provided the total amount is not drunk in one or two bouts and that there are two to three alcohol-free days a week,” said Ian Gilmore, RCP special adviser on alcohol.


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