
Doug Hutchinson files for bankruptcy

Doug Hutchinson has filed for bankruptcy after he racked up debts of around $76,000.

Courtney Stodden’s estranged husband Doug Hutchinson has filed for bankruptcy.

The 57-year-old actor – who split from the blonde bombshell earlier this year – has asked for a court order to clear his debts after he racked up $50,000 on various credit cards and failed to pay off the interest mounted from being overdrawn each month.

Doug listed assets – including his Jeep, television and gun – totaling a mere $68,546 in the official paperwork and claimed he had 24 original screenplays registered with Writers Guild of America but "none of them have sold" and they are not "believed to have any present value", according to US website

Doug – who rents his home in West Hollywood for $2,250-a-month – may have split from 23-year-old Courtney months ago but he still listed her as his wife in the court documents.

Their split came just months after the reality TV star – who married Doug when she was just 16 years old – tragically miscarried their first child in July last year.

Speaking about reports they have split, Courtney said at the time: "It’s hard right now but we’re trying to individually find our happiness. It’s just really sad right now."

And, although she’s happy to be living the single life, Courtney is desperate to keep an amiable relationship with her former flame and they both still speak "every day."

She said recently: "A split is really hard. Doug and I are on really good terms but it’s just hard, you know, because we’re trying to hang on to our friendship because we are best friends and we don’t want to part in a disastrous Hollywood way. I want us to remain in each other’s lives as friends and business partners and I just don’t want to lose him altogether. We’re talking a lot about business throughout the day. It’s sensitive to talk about our own issues, so I think we’re kind of just talking mostly about business and then when we do talk about what we’re going through, it’s just really hard on us."