
Dr. Dre is out of this world

The hip-hop king is working on an instrumental album.  

Many people wonder why Dr. Dre has not wrapped up his next album, Detox. This album has only been in the works for the past, oh, seven years.

We know that Dre is a busy man. He spends a lot of time producing albums for other artists, like Eminem’s Relapse.

Dre told Vibe magazine what he has been working on in his spare time… it’s an instrumental hip-hop album called The Planets. He offered no specific release date but did spill the beans about what it’s about.

The rap star revealed: "I don’t even know if I should be saying this, but f*** it. It’s just my interpretation of what each planet sounds like. I’m gonna go off on that. Just all instrumental. I’ve been studying the planets and learning the personalities of each planet."

Dr. Dre says he is also putting the finishing touches to Detox and plans to release it later this year. It will be a follow up to 1999’s 2001.