
Drugs combined for weight loss study

Researchers find combination of drugs more effective in treatment of obesity.

A new pill that combines two existing weight-loss drugs may be more effective in the battle of the bulge than any other drug currently in use.

High doses of Qnexa – consisting of phentermine, an amphetamine-based slimming drug, and topiramate, anti-epileptic drug associated with weight loss – helped women lose up to two clothing sizes in one year, according to the Lancet.

About 2,500 people received the Qnexa or a placebo for one year. The first group lost significantly more weight. However, there is still some way to go until this new treatment is available on the market since phentermine can cause heart problems and topiramate is linked to birth defects, memory problems and mood changes.

In addition, the drug causes side effects such as tingling, dizziness, constipation, anxiety and depressive symptoms. The authorities need more data before approving the drug.