
Duchess Catherine branded ‘Queen WAG’

Human rights activist Joan Smith has launched an attack on Duchess Catherine, branding her ”unambitious and bland”.

Duchess Catherine has been branded ”Queen WAG”.

The duchess – who was known as Kate Middleton before marrying Prince William in April 2011 – has been slammed as ”unambitious” and ”bland” by human rights activist Joan Smith, who claims she has done very little but step back and support her husband.

In her new book ‘The Public Woman’, the author wrote:

”By the age of 30, the new Duchess of Cambridge had done little since leaving university except play a supporting role to her boyfriend, marry him with great pomp and ceremony and get pregnant.

”She had never really enjoyed an independent identity or income – even her clothes were paid for by her father-in-law – and didn’t seem to aspire to either.

”Unambitious, uncontroversial and bland, Kate Middleton was Queen WAG in everything but name.”

Joan – who turned down an MBE in 2003 because of her opposition to the monarchy – went on to claim Catherine, who will give birth to her first child in July, has not become famous for her own achievements, but for her ”willingness” to wait for William.

She added: ”[She is famous] not for her achievements but her willingness to play the most traditional feminine role of all: waiting for a husband, getting married and not long afterwards becoming pregnant.”

A ‘WAG’ is the partner of a prominent male figure, and comes from the abbreviation for ‘wives and girlfriends’. It is most commonly used when referring to the spouses of soccer players.