
Duchess Catherine buys hamsters for kids

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have bought their two children George and Charlotte a little pet hamster to go with their friendly dog Lupo.

Britain’s Duchess of Cambridge has bought a hamster.

The 34-year-old royal and her husband Prince William have added the small rodent named Marvin to their family and the fluffy creature has already proved a huge hit with their two children, Princess Charlotte, 12 months, and Prince George, two.

While attending the opening of the Magic Garden at Hampton Court Palace in greater London today (05.04.16), the duchess told children from St John the Baptist Junior School in Hampton Wick about the family’s new addition.

A young girl named Darcey told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "She said she had a hamster, and Charlotte really likes it because the whiskers always tickle her face."

The brunette beauty – who was formerly known as Kate Middleton before she wed William in 2011 – told the youngsters that Marvin is kept at their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall, competing for attention with the family dog, Lupo.

And, although Catherine refused to shed light on how they came up with the hamster’s adorable moniker, it’s believed the furry creature may have been named after George’s favourite book ‘Marvin Wanted More’, about a greedy sheep.

Catherine – who allowed the children at the opening to refer to her as ‘Kate’ – was given a tour of the Magic Garden, which includes its own secret grotto and a 25ft red dragon.

The duchess then told the children that little George would probably be a "bit scared" of the smoke-breathing creature but she expected he would "love it" all the same.