
Duchess Catherine’s uncle expects baby girl

The uncle of Britain’s Duchess of Cambridge thinks her first baby with Prince Harry will be a girl, and admitted he hopes the couple can make history.

Britain’s Duchess of Cambridge’s uncle thinks the royal baby will be a girl.

Gary Goldsmith admitted he hopes his niece Kate Middleton – who is expecting her first child with Prince Harry – will make history by giving birth to the inaugural, first-born girl to be made queen.

Speaking to The Sun newspaper, he said: ”My suspicion is that they’re having a baby girl. But, of course, I don’t know that for fact.

”I believe Kate and William have kept the sex of their child a secret to everyone but themselves … It would be brilliant, wouldn’t it, if they do have a little girl?

”To have one of my family, my niece, making history will be absolutely unbelievable.”

The 48-year-old businessman described the British royal couple as ”very modern” and speculated they would be ”hands-on” as parents.

He added: ”They’re a very modern couple and I believe William will be as hands-on as Kate with the parenting. That’s the genius of it.

”They’re modernizing the royal family and doing a wonderful job of it.”

With the birth of the baby imminent, Gary has given some thought to presents but said he is unsure on a suitable gift.

He admitted: ”What do you get the baby who will have everything? I went to Asprey’s recently and saw an amazing, huge elephant rocker, like Dumbo, for about £70,000. Or there was a chest of some first edition Tintins.

”But because family is so important to Kate – she is incredibly close to Carole and Pip – I would rather get something personal and more meaningful. Although I did like that elephant.”