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Duck boats resurface in Philadelphia

Amphibious tour is up and running again with new safety measures in place.

The amphibious tour vehicles known as duck boats are back in action on Philadelphia’s Delaware River, after a deadly crash shut down operations last July.

To help prevent further tragedy, Ride the Ducks, the tour operator that runs the boats, will now be subject to more stringent safety measures, including a shortened route, improved radar, a Marine Response Coordinator boat and more onboard safety equipment.

"Over the past several months, the city, the Tri-state Maritime Safety Association and the US Coast Guard have worked closely with Ride the Ducks to ensure that when they begin offering tours again, every measure has been considered and will be followed to provide for the safety of Philadelphians and our visitors," said Deputy Mayor Richard Negrin.

On July 7, 2010, two visiting students from Hungary were killed when their duck boat collided with a barge, reports NBC Philadelphia. According to the government investigation, the tugboat operator responsible for the barge was dealing with a family emergency on his cell phone and failed to notice the tour boat in time.