
Eddie Redmayne living with parents

Eddie Redmayne and new wife Hannah are living with his parents while they search for a home of their own.

Eddie Redmayne is living with his parents.

The ‘Theory of Everything’ actor previously shared a ”bachelor pad” with friends but after marrying long-term partner Hannah Bagshawe in December, the couple are currently based at his mum and dad’s house in Chelsea, west London, while they look for a home of their own.

A friend of the couple told The Sun newspaper: ”Eddie lived in a flat in South London with two of his oldest mates before he met Hannah.

”He likes being there and it was great when he was a bachelor, but I think he and Hannah now want to move somewhere they can both make a family home.

”Eddie’s a Chelsea boy at heart and they have stayed a few nights at his parents’ home recently.

”They are always on the King’s Road when in town.”

And insiders believe the decision to look for a bigger house of their own signals the couple’s desire to have children.

The source added: ”I think it shows they want to start a family soon.”

Eddie recently admitted he is enjoying being married and doesn’t miss his bachelor lifestyle.

The 33-year-old actor said: ”New marriage is pretty wonderful, pretty extraordinary. I’m very happy.”

The couple recently enjoyed a second honeymoon after cutting short their original post-wedding holiday so Eddie could attend the Golden Globe awards, where he picked up the Best Actor – Drama prize.

Speaking before the Oscars, where he also picked up Best Actor, and asked what he wanted to do after awards season is over, he said: ”Vacation, vacation, vacation. It’s a wondrous circus, but I think after I finish the next film, maybe a beach with some transparent water. I’ve never been on one of those holidays. I’d need to take a lot of sun cream, though.”