
Effects of second-hand smoke on children

High levels of tobacco carcinogens in urine of children exposed to second-hand smoke.

Parents who smoke in the family home are creating a toxic environment for their little ones. A recent study discovered that in homes with at least one smoker, 90 per cent of the children had tobacco-related carcinogens in their urine.

The level of tobacco metabolites in those children was about 8 per cent of the level found in smokers, while adult passive smokers had about 1 to 5 per cent carcinogens in their urine.

“This finding is striking, because while all of the researchers involved in the study expected some level of exposure to carcinogens, the average levels were higher than what we anticipated,” said lead researcher Janet L. Thomas, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota.

There was a direct correlation between the amount of cigarettes smoked daily in the home and the level of tobacco metabolites found in the child.

According to the study, researchers believe tobacco carcinogens affect a child’s DNA and respiratory system. The consequences are unknown but it is likely that the presence of such carcinogens could result in bringing about some kind of DNA changes in cells which in turn could contribute to lung damage, and potentially lung cancer.

 “We need to act now to ensure that all parents have the facts they need to make informed decisions to protect their families from this completely preventable health hazard,” said Thomas.