Mode et accessoires

Elettra Wiedemann new face of Mango brand

Rossellini’s daughter follows in actress Scarlett Johansson’s footsteps.




Goodbye Scarlett, hello Elettra. Following in the footsteps of actress Scarlett Johansson, the new face for Mango brand is none other than Isabella Rossellini’s beautiful brainy daughter, Elettra Wiedemann. 

Wiedemann has also modeled for jeweler Van Dinh for some years and continues to make her way in the fashion industry. Last fall, she posed for the Silver Collection for contemporary clothing, Hoss Intropia.

To promote Mango’s winter collection, the ad campaign shows the model in relaxed poses possessing an air of mischievousness. The ‘hippie chic’ collection offers long plaid skirts, fur-collared jackets and sheepskin boots along with suede purse.

The winter collection is currently available in boutiques that carry the Mango brand.