
Elisabeth Moss’ nude scene approval

Elisabeth Moss has 100 per cent approval over her own nude scenes.

Elisabeth Moss always gets final say on her nude scenes.

While the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ star doesn’t have a problem with stripping off if it is vital for a role, she insists on approval of the final cut.

Speaking in Cannes, she told Vulture: "I’m very particular about that kind of thing and I don’t let anyone decide who’s going to do what angles except for myself. Unless they would like to take their clothes off and be shot, then they can decide their angles.

"Everything that involves nudity I have 100 per cent approval, otherwise I don’t do it. That way is actually better for the filmmaker, because you actually end up getting more than you would if you just ask the actor to take her clothes off."

And Elisabeth, 34, praises her ‘Top of the Lake’ director Jane Campion for starting the trend.

She said: "Jane said, ‘You can have 100 per cent approval of every frame and anything you don’t like will never be used’. She gave it to me. She really allowed me to have that voice. And I carried it over."

Elisabeth also revealed she loves her role as a producer on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and enjoys having more of a say in her projects.

She said: "It definitely has made me more outspoken. It’s given me a stronger voice, because in order to go up against a group of people – a studio, a network, writers, producers, everything – you have to be strong and you have to be willing to speak your mind. And I think as actors – especially as actresses – I think there’s sometimes a little bit of patting on the head and sending back to one’s trailer. And it’s been really empowering to say, ‘No you can’t do that. You have to listen to me.’"