
Elizabeth Taylor Says She Will Never Be Thin

Actress Elizabeth Taylor has admitted that she loves food, and therefore feels that she will always be overweight.

The icon recently told Harper’s Bazaar magazine that she is aware that Hollywood is now full of thin, nearly anorexic stars, but she says, "I wish I could be that size, but I can’t be.  I enjoy food too much. In the end, I’m too hedonistic. I enjoy pleasures."

The actress, who is considered to be one of the most beautiful women of the world, was asked by the magazine’s Michael Kors, if she dresses for men, women, or both.  She replied, "Men first. Myself. Then other women. ‘Cause you can’t please women. They are horribly critical of each other. And more so if you’re famous. Meow."

Taylor, 74, has been married eight times, and is known also for her violet eyes.  She has earned two Academy Awards for her performances in Butterfield 8 in 1960, and for 1966’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?