
Elvis was always dressed to perform

Elvis Presley’s daughter Lisa Marie says her father was fanatical about his appearance and always dressed as if he was ready to go on stage.

Elvis Presley was always dressed for a performance.

The ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ singer died in 1977 at the age of 42 and although his daughter Lisa Marie was only nine at the time he passed away, one of her overriding memories of her father is how fanatical he was about his appearance.

She said: "He was always fully, fully geared up. You’d never see him in his pyjamas coming down the steps, ever. You’d never see him in anything but ‘ready to be seen’ attire.

"There can be a sort of cheesy take on him, which I don’t always love sometimes – you know, the later years and that whole thing with his white jumpsuit. Now I’m probably over it. But I mean it was kind of running wild for a while. It was a little bit cringe worthy."

Lisa Marie – who has just recorded her third album – also revealed her down-to-earth father loved to spend time hanging out on his motorcycle with the locals in his Memphis, Tennessee neighbourhood.

She said: "Sometimes he would go and there would be a convoy and everybody would follow. He’d be going down Elvis Presley Boulevard and you would see these devices riding down the road, of all sorts."