
Emma Stone had panic attacks

Emma Stone used to suffer from severe panic attacks, which would stop her from leaving the house.

Emma Stone used to suffer from severe panic attacks.

The ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ actress would have extreme bouts of anxiety – which started when she was around eight – and were so debilitating sometimes she couldn’t even leave the house.

She explained: "I was just kind of immobilised by it. I didn’t want to go to my friends’ houses or hang out with anybody, and nobody really understood."

However, Emma, 23, managed to work through her fears after undergoing therapy and she put all her efforts into becoming a successful actress.

She told America’s Vogue magazine: "[Being on stage] gave me a sense of purpose. I wanted to make people laugh. Comedy was my sport. It taught me how to roll with the punches. Failure is the exact same as success when it comes to comedy because it just keeps coming. It never stops."

The blonde beauty – who is dating her ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ co-star Andrew Garfield – does still occasionally get panic attacks but copes with them by baking.

She said: "I think I felt really out of control of my surroundings. I was just baking all the time. It seemed like it made me feel, if I put these in, I’ll know what the outcome is."