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Emma Watson: My fashion sense is boring

Emma Watson has claimed her fashion sense is boring because she doesn’t wear designer sunglasses or carry expensive bags.

Emma Watson believes her fashion sense is boring.

The ‘Harry Potter’ actress – who has fronted campaigns for Burberry and designed her own range of clothes for People Tree – is renowned for her fashion acumen but she claims she has a casual style which isn’t very exciting.

She told French Elle magazine: ”My problem is that I am a little bit boring. I don’t wear designer bags or big sunglasses. When I don’t have to play Emma Watson in public, I’d rather not put myself out there. I have to be more careful with my look in my everyday life.”

Emma is also the face of and ambassador for Lancome beauty and says the brand embodies ”everything I like”.

She explained: ”I would have never lent my image to a brand if I didn’t feel in perfect harmony with it! Lancôme embodies everything I like: France, where I was born, quality and stars who I admire for their sincerity and charm, like Julia Roberts or Penélope Cruz.

”And, most of all, Lancôme allowed me to work the way I wanted to. I appreciated that a lot.”