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Eugenie and her twin sister shine on their 30th birthday!

On February 25, the charming Eugenie Bouchard celebrated her 30th birthday, and she took advantage of the occasion to present herself on the networks with a very successful look. Bouchard offered a range of photos in a ravishing monochrome ensemble!

The tennis player wore a sleeveless top with a beige skirt, which went perfectly with her high boots and long fur coat.

Here’s the look!

Her look was a hit with everyone, to say the least… and browsing through the comments section, the majority of people thought Eugenie was very explosive, perfect for her 30th birthday!

Yes… already 30 years for Genie!

The story doesn’t say whether Eugenie joined her twin Beatrice in Aspen for their 30th anniversary, but the latter was also wearing a long fur coat and looking just as stunning!

Happy anniversary to Eugenie and BĂ©atrice Bouchard.

30 years is something to celebrate in style!