
Eva Longoria Slings Burgers at Wendy’s

Eva Longoria recently spent the day working the counter at a Texas fast-food restaurant.

The actress surprised customers at the Wendy’s restaurant in her hometown.  Longoria had worked at the eatery when she was a teenager, and was helping the chain with their Father’s Day Frosty campaign, reports FemaleFirst.
A Wendy’s customer said, "It was quite surreal to see a Hollywood star behind the counter but she was really friendly and fitted right in."
The Frosty campaign raises money for the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program.  During the campaign, Wendy’s donates 50 cents from the sale of each Frosty to these two charities.
Eva Longoria was an employee at Wendy’s for three years, from 1991 until 1994.