
Evan Rachel Wood Sticks Up for Marilyn Manson

Evan Rachel Wood is setting the story straight about her split with Marilyn Manson.

Evan Rachel Wood has had enough of the false rumours circulating about her break-up with Marilyn Manson, reports People.

The 21-year-old actress stated, "Manson and I both decided to take some time apart so we could concentrate on work. Someone used that opportunity to kick us while we were down and sell a completely false story."

The buzz was going around that the couple split after a misunderstanding concerning Wood’s brother, Ira, who was living with the two stars but then got kicked out by Manson.

Wood added, "Manson owns the house he lives in. My brother has never stayed there and the person that said such horrible things about Manson being ‘controlling’ and ’emotionally abusive’ is certainly no source ‘close’ to me."

Wood concluded by asking that the public respect their privacy during this time.