
Even adoptive parents get the blues

Biological mothers aren’t the only ones who get the baby blues. Adoptive mothers, and even fathers, can develop this type of depression.

Karen J. Foli, an assistant professor of nursing and an adoptive mother herself, interviewed 21 adoptive parents, as well as 11 adoption experts and professionals. Her questions concerned their adoption and depression experiences.


She explains, "People often hear about postpartum blues when having a baby, but the emotional well-being of adoptive parents once the child is placed in the home is never discussed."


She describes the adoptive parents’ experience. "In the study, the majority of adoptive parents reported experiences of depression after the child was placed in their home. They frequently described unmet or unrealistic expectations of himself, the child, family and friends, or society. They had believed that more help would be available from family, friends and society at large."


Foli adds that "Post-adoption depression not only affects the parents, but also influences the child’s welfare." Her findings were published in Western Journal of Nursing Research, April 2010.


Experts insist that it is essential for adoptive parents to feel supported and encouraged. They are advised to consult professional adoption services for advice.