
Excessive gaming and texting cause joint pain

Children report hand and wrist pain after playing video games or texting on cell phones.

Excessive use of video game controllers and cell phones could be causing hand and wrist joint pain in children as young as nine, according to a new study presented Tuesday (May 24) at the European League Against Rheumatism 2011 Annual Congress.

Researchers at the New York University Hospital for Joint Diseases surveyed 257 children between the ages of nine and 15, asking them about their video game and text messaging habits, as well as any joint pain they experienced.

The researchers found that video game systems, such as the Xbox and Gameboy, were more likely to cause pain than cell phones like the iPhone.

The time spent using the devices was particularly significant. For every hour of use, the risk of experiencing joint pain doubled.

The study also found that girls reported twice as much pain as boys after using a cell phone to participate in text messaging.

"Our study has shown the negative impact that playing computer games and using mobile phones can have on the joints of young children, raising concerns about the health impact of modern technology later in life," explained lead author Yusuf Yazici.

"We hope that further research in this area will shed light on what could be a serious health concern for today’s gaming children…"