Nouvelles quotidiennes

Express Train Launched in China

A speeding bullet is hitting the Chinese railways.

Flying at an impressive 350 kilometres an hour, the new express train now links the two Chinese villages of Guangzhou and Wuhan, considerably reducing travel time.


The 1,069-kilometre trip can now be completed in a record time of three hours and a few minutes, whereas before, it would have taken more than 10 hours and a lot of patience!


Guangzhou is located in the southeast part of China, not far from the border, and has a population of close to 10 million. It is therefore an important financial centre in the country. The city expanded quickly due to its proximity to Hong Kong – about 120 kilometres – and serves as an important link between this business centre and the rest of the country.


Wuhan, the 8th most important city in China, is the biggest city in the country’s central region. Its population is close to 7 million, and the city is known for its very warm summer climate.