
Fake Beyoncé Recording Circulates the Web

A fake recording of Beyoncé Knowles singing out of key was recently played on the radio by Howard Stern.

According to, a recording of the singer is also circulating the Internet.

Last Tuesday (April 21), Stern played what was believed to be a recording from the star’s performance on The Today Show last year.  Listeners were able to hear a terrible rendition of If I Were a Boy.

At a press conference on Wednesday (April 23), Beyoncé stated that she hadn’t heard the recording, but that the whole story was totally ridiculous.

"Everyone’s heard me sing and it’s perfect timing, actually, because I’ll be on the Today Show tomorrow singing Halo. It’s perfect promotion, whoever came up with that idea," the star told MTV News.

Matthew Knowles, Beyoncé’s father and manager, asked to have a copy of the tape, and defended his daughter, saying that she knows how to sing.