
Farm living makes for healthier babies

Pregnant women who live on the farm are less likely to have a child with asthma or eczema.

Farm living suggests a relaxing life to many, far away from the city pollution and incessant traffic noise. For pregnant women, the farm can have more than a calming effect.

The European Respiratory Journal says that pregnant women who live on the farm are less likely to bear children who develop asthma symptoms, hay fever or eczema.

According to New Zealand researchers, exposure before and after birth cut the risk in half.

A Massey University team compared the allergy issues of 1,377 children whose mothers were in contact with farm animals during their pregnancy with 566 children whose parents lived in the city. There were fewer problems with kids who lived in the country.

It is believed that early contact with this type of environment and these animals can develop stronger immune cells.

However, farm living also has some disadvantages for pregnant women because it may increase the risk of infections. They must therefore take the necessary hygiene precautions.