
Farrah Fawcett’s TV Documentary

Actress Farrah Fawcett, who is fighting liver cancer, will get to talk about her courageous battle on the small screen.

NBC Television will air Farrah’s Story tomorrow.

In the documentary, the 62-year-old actress, who is renowned for her role in the 1970s series Charlie’s Angels, will share painful moments she’s experienced with her illness.

According to what her life partner, Ryan O’Neal, said, the Texas-native hopes for a miracle while her treatments have come to a halt and her health is deteriorating.

Diagnosed at a terminal phase, the actress had no hesitations about revealing footage of her doctor visits in the United States and Germany.

Fawcett was diagnosed with cancer in September 2006. After four months, she thought she was rid of it. In May 2007, she learned that she was still stricken with the terrible disease. Today, it seems that doctors are not capable of improving her prognosis.