
Father knows best

French study shows children idolize dad.

Small children adore their fathers and are pleased when dad is more involved at home, according to a survey done by France’s Institut des Mamans (Institute of Moms), an independent market research firm.

Researchers asked 500 children between three and ten years old to rate their fathers on various aspects. The dads scored an average of nine out of ten overall, suggesting that – at least when it comes to little ones – children put their fathers on a pedestal.

"These good results are due to the children’s ages. Teens will be more critical," noted the institute founder Hélène Lepetit.

Almost 40 percent said that their fathers knew how to cook – and cook well. According to Lepetit, these high scores show that fathers are more involved at home than in previous generations.

With so much to love about their fathers, the children had only one complaint: forty-four percent said they would like to spend more time with dad.