
Fathers are more involved today

Fathers are more involved in their children’s education today than they were 30 years ago.

According to a poll conducted for the weekly Christian publication Pèlerin (‘Pilgrim’ in English), nearly 60% of French people believe that fathers participate more in their children’s education today than 30 years ago.

Women are more convinced of this statement (67%) than men (45%).

40% of survey respondents think it is more difficult now to be a father, while 43% mention that this role is no more difficult or easier than before.

Over three-quarters of people polled believe that love and comfort should not solely be provided by the mother and think that authority should not come only from the father.

Today, the vast majority of people believe that children’s education must be shared equally between both parents. Each parent needs to take the time to play with their children. They also need to mutually determine rules and punishments and deal with bottle feedings and diaper changes.