
Film Premiere Cancellation in Mexico

Twentieth Century Fox has decided to cancel the premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which was set to take place in Mexico.

Twentieth Century Fox is not taking the latest swine flu outbreak lightly. The production studio cancelled the premiere of its film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which was set to debut tomorrow (April 29) in Mexico’s capital.

"We were not only concerned about Hugh’s welfare – and we would never send anyone into harm’s way – but we also have an enormous office filled with people we care about. There was no point in proceeding under the current conditions," said a spokesperson for Twentieth Century Fox.
Following Mexico’s governmental recommendations for the population to avoid public places and to close several establishments such as schools and movie theatres, the studio felt it was best to call off the party.
"There is a possibility it could be rescheduled. Hugh is obviously beloved [there] so we’ll see what happens. We’ll monitor the situation," said the rep.